Packing List

Packing List

Multi-day boating trips require gear – some gear requirements depend on the length of the trip, location of the trip, and trip type.

Boat Equipment:

  • Boat
  • Life vest
  • Helmet
  • Paddling Gloves
  • Paddles
  • Extra Paddle
  • Neoprene Footwear
  • Dry Bags
  • Air Bags (whitewater trips)
  • Throw Ropes
  • Rescue Pack
  • Carabineers
  • First Aid Kit – add to basic kit – electrolyte powder, emergency blanket, wound powder/sealant
  • Day Pack Dry Bag – sunscreen, Chapstick, snacks, lunch, knife, sunglasses, matches, maps, gps
  • Water Filter
  • Rain gear
  • Whistle
  • Filled Water Bottles
  • Credit card, ID, some cash, any permits, fishing license, itinerary
  • Powdered electrolyte drinks
  • Cooler (if applicable)

**This is all of the stuff we need easily accessible to start the trip or for daytime accessibility on the water. I keep the water filter and rain jacket separate from our day pack. I do this because at night, I hang the day pack with our food packs, but want to have the rain gear and water filter accessible and able to come in our tent.